Thursday, July 01, 2010

Coney Island Elephants #3

Coney Island Elephants-3, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Apparently, Coney Island’s elephant hotel was primarily used as a brothel. In fact, it was so closely associated with prostitution that it gave rise to the Victorian-era expression “Going to see the elephant,” which meant patronizing the “world’s oldest profession.” It burned down in 1896 and was not rebuilt.


Anonymous said...

"To see the elephant" has absolutely nothing to do with the Coney Island elephant. It is a phrase that originated out of facing adversity, to "gain the experience of the world." For example, you can find it in John Russell Bartlett's "Dictionary of Americanisms," published in 1848 and re-issued in 1859. That's years before Coney Island became a pleasure-filled resort.