Friday, July 02, 2010

Busy. busy week end!

Scan12853, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Today I am going 30 miles to the North to be filmed
and interviewed in Bill Powell,s Magic Lantern Show.
Tomorrow it's thirty miles to the South to attend the annual
Sarasota Showfolks 4th of July dinner. Kay is looking
forward to seeing Veronica and Breanna again and catch
up on all the gossip.
Sunday evening we all go to the restaurant in Brandon
where the kids can view the big fireworks show at the
nearby Mall.
And finally on Monday it's up to the Bowling Alley in Gooberville
for the combined birthday parties for both Kay and Jamie.
Kay was five a few days ago and Jamie will be four a few days
hence. Enough excitement to last for a long while.


Chic Silber said...

Well at least gas is down by a

few cents this week as I just

filled up at $2.58 yesterday

(hard to imagine that I recall

purchasing gas at 19 cents)

Anonymous said...

And if you have time, you might want to swing by Bethel, CT, on Monday afternoon-evening to help circus fans celebrate the 200th birthday of P. T. Barnum. One of the local organizers, Doug Cole, says there'll be tours of the Barnum mansion (3 to 5 p.m.) and festivities including a big birthday cake, stiltywalkers, clowns, etc (5-7 p.m.). An even bigger Barnum event is planned in late September at this village, where the master showman was born.

Lane Talburt

bill powell said...

We look forward to receiving the great prognosticator and oracle of all things circus.

From one sacrosanct cave to the other, we will get this interview and record the definitive oral history.

Roger Smith said...

Kim Baer celebrated a birthday on Wednesday (30). 58 of 'em so far.

Happy Birthday greetings to all the honorees in your family.

Chic Silber said...

Hey Roger wouldn't that be the

19th anniversary of her 39th year

GaryHill said...

Chic, we actually have a Gas War going on between two stores here! Reg is at $2.29 at one and $2.35 at the other.:)Cheapest I ever paid was 12cents in Lubbock back in 69.

Anonymous said...

I go back to gas at 14.9, in the
50's, with an occassional gas war that brought it down to 9.9.
To all you kids, there really were good old days.
Bob Kitto

clownron said...

All things considered those are very easy jumps... and I remember trying to buy gas during the rationing in the 70's? Boy did we have to do some tap dancing just to get gas to get to the next town.