Sunday, May 30, 2010

Laying down on the job!

Scan12988, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

We have three computers in the house and due to a
faulty "router" (whatever that is) each was gradually
eliminated until by yesterday afternoon, due to the vast
importance of the Blog, my computer was the last man
But alas, by this morning it too had expired, leaving
the Kelly-Miller portraits from Don Curtis unpublished.
Shannon is off from work today and brought over the
replacement router but being late in the day
and exhausted from fending off the enemy, I will
resume the Blog tomorrow.



Bob Cline said...

Lay down any time you want. I am eternally grateful for all you and the rest of our veterans have done that allows us all the freedom to enjoy a blog like this on a daily basis. Thank You!

clownron said...

Good show!!! Stout fellow!

Chic Silber said...

My veteran benefits are due to

my role as a port security fire

instructor in Yorktown Virginia

and for successfully defending

a portion of the Curtis Bay

Coast Guard facilty in Baltimore

stationed on a decommissioned

184Ft PCE (Patrol Craft Escort)

cabled to the dock for safety

(nobody took it on our watch)

Semper Paratus

Larry Louree said...

Great picture for today. Thank you to all who have proudly served our country and their families. I appreciate your service.