Monday, May 24, 2010

From Dominic Yodice #4

Arky Scott & Jewel 1951, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Arky Scott & Jewel RBBB 1951, Washington, DC.

"I'm sure everyone remembers "Jewel" carrying a hoop
in her mouth in spec with Gloria Graham seated within.
When my dad brought Freddy Logan over to Kelly-Miller
in 1950, he described this stunt and they had old "Tena"
doing it in a few days. I think Logan's last year on RBBB
was 1948 (he didn't get along with Hugo) so it was done
there for quite a while.
In fact I have a picture of "Jewel" carrying a pony in that
fashion back in the 1920's but I like Miss Graham better."


Roger Smith said...

My favorite wardrobe on Arky that year was his sharp French Foreign Legion attire, worn when he responded to Brad's "Arky! Take over!" order, after Klaus tried to smush poor Angel under Minyak.