Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1941 RBBB (Set 4) #13

1941 Ringling-4-13, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Documented here for posterity is a nice example of a 1941 Ringling concession stand (which appears to have been set up inside the menagerie tent)


Buckles said...

I wonder if anyone today in the Concession venue of Feld Entertainment knows what a "garbage joint" is?

Harry Kingston said...

I bet they have no idea what a garbage joint is but when it comes to $10 snow cones and cotton candy and $14 programs they know all about that.
When the Gold played here in town I had my $12 out for that small program and did I get fooled.

Chic Silber said...

I'll bet the slum costs about

the same today as it did then

(show cost that is)

Frank Ferrante said...

Buckles -

I doubt if they would know what it is and they certainly would know how to make the birds tweet. (Thank you Roland Kaiser, wherever you are!) ~frank