Monday, April 26, 2010

Masters of the Silver Strand #2 (From Buckles)

SAVE0940, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Con Colleano


john herriott said...

I had they privelege of working with Castle, Colleano and Billy Powell. Allwere just great. Con Colleano was the reatest showman and choreographed routine, Castle did the best drunk ever and then his straight routine was fabulous. James Plunkett did it to perfection as "Christopher James" and his somersaults were much more consistant than Castle. Castle taught taught him his act. I saw Bill Powell do A perfect back and then a neat foward in his routine.

Incidentally this morning on Pat Casan "Clown alley" blog is a vedeo of the greatest Bo Bo Barnett on the Sullivan show. For you that never saw him, see it, only missing is his trumpet playing and hind leg dog show stopping finale. He vwas the greatest.

The Aerialist said...

These are more effective activity. This is totally risky. This is not the thing that can be done each and everybody. Thanks