Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bringing Up Baby #6

BUB-6, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

In a well-meaning attempt to rescue Baby after the leopard is inadvertently allowed to get loose, Katharine unwitting frees a dangerous leopard that is part of traveling circus. Split screen was probably used for this scene as well. Miss Hepburn had one very close call with the leopard while wearing a skirt lined with little metal weights to make it swing prettily when she turned. Turning around abruptly, the swinging skirt provoked the leopard into making a lunge for her back. The timely intervention of the trainer saved her from injury. Afterwards, she was more careful while working around the leopard.


Roger Smith said...

This summons memories of the woman reported as the first killed in a wild animal act performance, Gladys Cotes. She may have pioneered the idea of small weights giving her wardrobe the desired movements. She composed a dance wherein the weights flicked the animals about their faces, making them growl on cue, until one cued lion took both umbrage and Miss Cotes' neck in his teeth.