Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rocky Point Park, Rhode Island 1970

Jeanette Rix


Jimmy Cole said...

A lot of great circus acts played this park through the years!

Roger Smith said...

I first met the Rixes when they visited us on Castle, in his CFA tent (or top) named town, Utica, NY, in '72. I was rather down about the act at the time, 3 lions and 3 tigers salvaged out of the previous season, but Mr. Rix was generous in his compliments, and encouraged me to always think of making everything better, and you will. I had always heard he was greatly helpful to other animal acts, especially to young trainers coming up.

As gracious as Mr. Rix was, and as closely as I listened, I confess to being distracted by the memorable beauty of Jeannette.

Chic Silber said...

While working Jimmy Harrington's

Circo Panamericano date one year

in Puerto Rico the Rixes were

contacted by the head of the

maritime union about a pet jaguar

I drove Jeanette on my motorcycle

to visit his estate and we were

accidently locked in behind his

iron gates as we entered

It took us quite a while to raise

someone who then brought us up

to the rooftop garden where the

cat lived in a tremendous cage

The fellow's original request

about the cat's health turned out

to be unfound as he was interested

in meeting Jeanette but we did

have a pleasant afternoon

Darryl said...

To have Albert come to my home and visit for several hours will be a memory i will always cherish