Friday, February 05, 2010

From Buckles

Scan12596, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Biller Bros. Circus 1949
Marion Knowlton with "Pinto" and "Modoc"
Swede Johnson at left.

1899-18 Ringling Bros. Circus
1919-36 Ringling-Barnum Circus
1937-38 Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus
1939-40 Surplus RBBB elephants in California
1941-45 Ringling-Barnum Circus
1946 Sparks Circus (Leased from RBBB)
1947-48 Ringling-Barnum Circus
1949-51 Biller Bros. Circus
(Died in Memphis Quarters in 1951)

The other elephant is one of many named "Modoc". She was very ordinary but rose to fame in her final years when her owner, a West Coast guy named Helfer, had a book written that incorporated her with all the other "Modocs" including "Big Modoc" of Ringling fame. The story line included her voyage to America and a dramatic storm at sea, the worst kind of trash.


Anonymous said...

"The worst kind of trash" is headed to the silver screen. Maybe it'll be a double feature with the Mabel Stark faux-biography?

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Swede Johnson that was later a clown on Ringling?

Buckles said...

Yes it is.
Years ago on the Wallace Show his son Hunky used to beat me up.