Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Col. G.W. Hall parade #2

Scan12609 - Copy, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

What's a Bovalopus?

Bruce the Clown

Buckles said...

Same thing as an Igarodi only slightly larger.

Anonymous said...

The side panel shows a cow with long horns, as one might see in a rice patty. Walter L. Main also featured one. RJRIII will know the genus and species. In the 196os Chang Reynolds wrote an article titled "The Bovalapus Brigade" in Bandwagon, and it and perhaps readers comments will provide further insights.

Anonymous said...

Patty? Paddy.

Anonymous said...

It's a cross between a cow (bovine)
and a wolf (lupus).

A. Non Ymous

Jim A said...

Looks like an Indian or Water Buffalo. They are hardy and relatively easy to handle -- used to cultivate rice paddies in S.E.Asia. Their milk is also the main ingredient in Buffalo mozzarella cheese.

Chic Silber said...

A paddy is where rice grows and

a patty is a small flat rice cake

These are what Bovalopi (plural)

eat for lunch & dinner with gin

Anonymous said...

What, no olive?
Bob Kitto

Anonymous said...

I think I saw one of these last year on May 1st.