Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chang #10 (From Eric Beheim)

chang-10, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Even after the jungle is cleared of predatory cats, Kru’s rice patch is ruined by “chang” the jungle beast feared above all others. (“Chang” is the Laotian word for elephant.)

Another pit is dug and the chang that is trapped turns out to be a baby.


Eric said...

Movie-goers are asked not to reveal what “chang” was, in order to build suspense. After all, what could be more feared by the natives than tigers or leopards? The suspense was maintained right up to where the little “chang” is hoisted up out of the pit. Cooper and Schoedsack would have liked to have done something similar with King Kong but, because of that film’s advance publicity, audiences know what they would be seeing when Kong finally makes his first appearance on screen.