Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"This Way to the Big Show!" #2

Scan12578, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mr. Gumpertz (sometimes referred to as "The Gump") was in charge during it's 50th Anniversary 1933.
They decided to advertise 50 elephants in honor of this occasion but since the show only carried 41, Roland Butler had to "doctor up" this picture and even managed to come up with a few extras.


Jack Ryan said...


Roland Butler was a master of photo manipulation long before Photoshop.

He called it "helping pictures along." When he worked for Charlie Sparks, just before he went to Ringling, Roland concocted some amazing photos.

He named the Sparks show "The Greatest Amusement Achievement of the Age."

When the Ringling saw the doctored photos and read that line, the hired him.


Anonymous said...

ONLY 41, my God, he said ONLY 41