Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No more Mr. Nice Guy!


Jimmy Cole said...

Undoubtably this esteemed gentleman is a card carrying member of the Rush Limpbag fan club.... possibly the NRA as well.

Sure hope we can come out of this with some type of heatlh insurance reform that will benefit the many good hard working circus people that have little or no health insurance.

Buckles, your day would have been ruined if I didn't come back with a comment on this picture!

Buckles said...

Too true.
Probably watches Glen Beck too!

Henry Schroer said...

I dont know why everybody is so much against a health insurance. Is the best thing you can have. Europe has had this since the end of the War. You go to the Hospital and get treated right away, no waiting time, no cost. For everybody. But of course someone has to pay for it. Taxes. There was never a lot of taxes to be paid in the US, in Germany and a lot of the Countries of the European Community you have at least 35% of you pay go to taxes, for most people it would be 40%. Its about time that the US gets up there with the rest of the world and provides the people with a good health system.

Clownron said...

As much as I hate it... the damn shirt is funny.

I bet that guy Ann Coulter likes it too!

Wade G. Burck said...

What the hell are you talking about!!!!!! If folks want insurance they can purchase it. The Government has no obligation to provide it. If they did, they might be obligated to tell us what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, etc. You have a right in this world to what you can earn, no more no less. It is up to you as a free individual how and where you choose to earn said living.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

If we have national health care, what will the thousands and thousands of overpaid insurance and HMO people do for as living. The only thing they know how to do is pad their own wallets at our expense. Also, the drug company executives will be in the same boat when the drugs have to be fairly priced.
Bob Kitto

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Mr. Schroer must be right...And by that I mean left....way left.

The USA should join the rest of the socialist world and give health insurance and TAX EVERYONE 35 to 40%?!?!?! Brilliant! Even better, lets do it just cause some other countries are doing it, that makes a ton of sense...LOL

Fact is...
Most everyone in the USA could start buying health insurance at the age of 20 for less then the monthly cost of a cell phone. And if you keep up with it your whole life it stays affordable.

Fact is...
Most of us chose things OTHER then health insurance to pay for when we are young and healthy. We all want health insurance, just not as much as we want cable tv, internet, cell phones, and a new car.

Mr. Cole,
The last health care bill presented would have effectively put every circus with more then 7 employees out of business. Except possibly RBBB and Soliel. I actually wondered if PETA drew up the bill as a sneak attack.

Sorry Buckles,
I know this isn't a political blog.

Mike Naughton said...

This is not intended to be a political statement.

If anyone needs health insurance for children under 19, please visit:

Working families who earn to much for Medicaid might qualify for this program.

My wife, Nora, is a registered nurse and knows the value of regular medical care for kids.

This may not be a perfect program but it will help families with young children who need medical care and regular check ups.

Anonymous said...

Henry like Germany - took my niece, German citizen over 6 months to get surgery scheduled! Cutting edge medical items coming from research in Europe? How many people from here going to Europe and Canada for medical work they can't get in US? Jimmy wants to break a system working for 15%. Count in the 15% the people choosing not to have it, their children in the numbers, illegals counted, etc.

Owning a home, and health insurance are not rights!

Real issue: If Jimmy wants less expensive insurance and medical bills he and his democrats should address the real issue, lawyers and lawsuits. People buying insurance are paying those millions won by the dems friends in court. Lawyers in congress won't discuss that because of all their friends!

The Curator said...

Yo Jimmy...
What does throwin out the 2nd ammendment have to do with...Oh thats right..its all part of the Radical Left and its "Messiah's" plan for the "Great Suppression"...
Hey,why don't all of us Lucky to still be in business or still hold a job, close up shop, and GO get a Civil service Job!..I've yet to hear about mass Goverment Lay-offs..or rather any Lay-offs from the Worlds Biggest Employer....

Yo Henry
NEVER a lot of taxes in the U.S.??
Sales Tax..
Income Tax..
Fuel Tax..
Property Tax..
Payroll Tax..
Licenses and Permits..Ect. Ect.
comes out to more than 35-40% according to my slide rule...Yet, I've carried my own Health Insurance since I was 24.(I'm 48)..I'll tell you what...If YOU claim me as your long lost Illegitimate Son..I'll spring for 2 First Class tickets on Lufthansa and cover all your expenses till we can get settled in ..that wonderful eutopia called "The Motherland" I am 1/2 German Y'know....

Colonel Klink..Uh I mean Jim Z

P.S. Since 51% of Massachusetts Voters are registered as "Independents" ...The Scott Brown Election should have Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and all the other Socialist Radical Leftists shakin in there Boots (but it doesnt)But this is a wake-up call for Republicans also...Otherwise, We will all be Libertarians...

Jimmy Cole said...

Wow, all I did was comment on the guy with the cheap t-shirt and say that I hope SOME TYPE of health insurance reform passes. Now I'm a socialist.

I am fortunate, and have a good retiree health insurance program through my former employer (Fire Dept.) By today's standards, it is reasonably cheap, about $438. per month (10x my cell phone bill) just for me. Were I married...double that, add some kids...triple that, and it is expected to keep going higher.

My concern is for the independently contracted circus performers who face a devastating financial crisis should a medical emergency strike them or a family member. As a circus fan, I have driven many of my circus friends to medical facilitys and had them share their concerns of "just how are we going to pay for this?".

I don't care if the Democrats or the Republicans do it, but some type of health insurance reform needs to pass to make it more accessible and affordable to so many American familys, circus or not!

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Mr. Cole,
Sorry if you are truly not a socialist. More importantly though...

"By today's standards, it is reasonably cheap, about $438. per month (10x my cell phone bill)"

Who is you cell service provider?!?!
That is only twice my monthly cell bill...LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't know what circus salaries are nowdays, but in Massachusetts, if you make more than 30,000, you are reqired, by law to buy insurance. If you can't afford $400+ a month for insurance, the fine is $900. I heard the federal fine will be more.

I do know that the federal plan will require employers to offer insurance. I wonder how many small shows can afford that? Or big shows for that matter.

Jack Ryan said...


Is this a political blog now?

I liked it a lot better when it was a circus blog.


Anonymous said...

no one wants to pay for health insurance until they need it....then it becomes priority.....

nothing is perfect..not the european system and certainly not the system in the US

somewhere in between a compromise exists...

is that not what democracy is all about ?

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Anonymous 1,
You are rite in wondering if the shows could afford to buy it, and wondering what the fine would be for not. Like I said, I assume of shows with more then 7 employees, I am guessing only RBBB and Soleil would survive. Of course some will say ALL their employees are private contractors, which will put the employees out of business cause then THEY will be fined for not carrying their own insurance which if you made more then 40,000 a year was going to cost 6,800 dollars under most recent bill. However: If you have NO JOB and NO INCOME uncle sambama is going to hook you up for free. No brainer, quit the job rite?!?! Welfare pays pretty good, and dignity is much overrated in todays society (We can call in personal pride or independence if folks like that better)

Come on! Just a taste of what the circus PEOPLE think about politics won't hurt. So far very civil. Discussion keeps hidden truths from "sneaking" past the public. Don't fret much though, President Obama's internet czar is surely working on a stop block for this to.

Anonymous 2,
Brilliant! I would say that is the smartest thing I have heard all day. Problem is...Neither side of the fence really give a rats A$$ about the issue. They are all already covered by great insurance on OUR DIMES! So it is a game of acting like they care and seeing how they stand to gain the most control and financial gain on the "new policy" that is just the way it is here. We have a democracy that has more or less sided to buffalo the people for the last 20 years...And that is both REPs and DEMs...

Again, I am sorry I know it isn't a political blog.

Chic Silber said...

Hey Casey

My Sprint bill which includes

all taxes & misc charges is only

about $36 per month (but I'm

very careful with my minutes)

PS this entry is not political