Friday, January 29, 2010

Mills Bros. backyard 1963 #8

scan0015, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Jimmy Cole said...

I believe the man on the left is Charles Zerbini, Tarzan's father. He also had a Chimp act on the show, and was originally slated to present the lion act when it came over in 1961. '63 was the final year for that cat act on Mills Bros.

Jerry Jay said...

That's right. Also is his wife and Mimi, Tarzan's sister.

John Whitfield said...

Yes! This is Charles, Suzanne and
my lovely ex wife Mimi. Ten years after this picture was made we were

Jerry Jay said...

John, Isn't that her in "Mills Bros. backyard #5" leaving the tent after her single trap turn. On the extreme right is Tarzan himself.