Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cat Greats! #1 (From Peter Rosa)




Harry Kingston said...

You are missing a picture of the Greatest cat man of all time, Mr. Circus, the one the only, Clyde Beatty.

Anonymous said...

I saw Mabel toward the end of her career in Thousand Oaks. I will never forget how smooth and in control she was. No bombastic display - no gun or loud whip cracking, just a quiet older woman working her cat act with style and professionalism that is hard to find today. Boy, what a show she gave!

Henry Schroer said...

I would call Clyde Beatty a great showman, but he definitely wasn't the greatest cat man of all time

Wade G. Burck said...

Oh man Amigo!!!! You just stepped into a big giant dung heap!!!
Wade Burck

Roger Smith said...

Although he is almost beginning to fade into history of the great cat men, the informed will remember Louis Roth. He came out of the Hagenbeck school, demonstrated great work with Frank Bostock, and then developed the Barnes show from a West Coast dog and pony outfit into the most important trained wild animal circus. Barnes enoyed the phrase,"Every act an animal act, every animal a star." Roth was Beatty's first mentor, on Howes Great London, in 1921, when on loan from Barnes. He broke in Mabel Stark, both as trainer and wife, and taught the entire training staff on Barnes. The arena was so often employed during the performance that it went up and stayed up. Both Terrell Jacobs and Bert Nelson knew his influence. He was boss of trainers at Goebel's from 1933 until his death, in 1945. The old timers there taught me from their schooling by Roth, and called him the most important trainer this country had seen. He knew big cats to the core of their souls. Others will have their favorites, including some of the latter-day people, and some will demand their guy is tops. My indelible vote goes to Louis Roth.

Anonymous said...

My how time flies - the quarterly "Clyde Beatty was the greatest - no he wasn't" discussion is here already!? Wow, seems like only yesterday.

Chic Silber said...

Wether he was the greatest cat

trainer of all time or not

He was "The One And Only" and

he was a tireless performer who

was a terrific crowd pleaser

and he could be very charming

when he cared to be

In our industry it is just as

important to be a great showman

as it is to be a great clinician

B.E.Trumble said...

In terms of influence and understanding of behaviors and psychology, I think Roger is very much correct when it comes to Roth, Boxing fans like to look at linear champions, the man who beat the man kind of stuff. Given Roth's mentors, and who he later mentored himself, it's hard to deny him the founding father role amongst modern American trainers.

Wade G. Burck said...

What did you just say?????

Founding father!!!! Isn't that stretching to come up with something?
Given the criteria you listed I think that is open. Where are you listing modern?
Wade Burck