Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ft. Worth Shrine #28

DSC03707, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


GaryHill said...

WOW! Three rings of performing elephants with showgirls riding! Amazing concept! I wonder if some Big Show might try to copy the idea of CIRCUS?

Jimmy Cole said...

Now THAT'S pure 100% CIRCUS!
A live band playing some Karl King circus music would be the icing on the cake!

Hal Guyon said...

How can anyone look at these and still call RBBB " The Greatest Show on Earth" ! I think that title should now belong to Barbara & Gary Byrd`s Carson & Barnes Circus !

Anonymous said...

Hal is correct.The Greatest Show On Earth is now in name only.I still wanna know why they need all those cars on the trains?The powers that be that own GSOE will milk it until the last pennys is gone.