Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ft. Worth Shrine #23 (From Jimmy Hall) Part 3

DSC03917, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Buckles said...

From this set of pictures I am inclined to advise Mr. Feld to retire to an island somewhere in the Caribbean and let Barbara and Gary Byrd produce his circuses.

Roger Smith said...

Somewhere like Gitmo?

Anonymous said...

How true Buckles - You nailed it with this comment. What a compliment to the Byrd Family and their circus. I only hope that the Byrd Family reads this Blog - Cream does rise to the top. Charles Hanson

Anonymous said...

While this is a truly spectacular display, keep in mind the 3 rings of Carson & Barnes elephants only appeaer on a few indoor Shrine dates, such as Ft. Worth and Evansville. The rest of the time most of the elephants are leased out to other circuses, including Ringling.

I believe that Carson & Barnes carry only 3 or 4 elephants on their regular tour.

Frank Ferrante said...

While this is true Mr./Ms. Anoymous - Please not that Mr. Feld doesn't even bother to carry rings anymore to ANY of their show dates. ~frank

(P.S. In the future, it would be appreciated if you at least signed your name to your posting.)