Saturday, August 08, 2009

Kelly Miller straw house #6

DSC02496, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Is there a reason why they don't add sawdust to the ring? Is it a cost issue?

Steve said...


They get a ring to die for with grass like this and you want sawdust????

Buckles said...

Toto Gaona directed a home movie with Big Apple called "The Killer Sawdust".
He even managed to coerse Robert DeNiro into making a brief appearance while he was visiting the show.
My wife still bears scars from chewing up the scenery.
I think there is a copy of the tape laying around here somewhere.

Wade G. Burck said...

I agree with Steve. A great grass ring, is far superior to sawdust. That seems to be for indoor surfaces, and or the best of all 3 foot deep European surfaces. There was once a cage act in the States, that covered the grass, with everything from sawdust, to plywood, to rubber because they could not work the animals. That doesn't seem to be an issue on KM.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

buckle i rember the movie well i had a small part when the red truck pull into the lot with a fog bomb on and Grant was driving and i told robby ay chingo where does this red truck come from and he answer i dont know but lets hurry and unloaded that was the killer saw dust > i also rember katsha shuman having a role and of course barbra > i have wonder what ever became of the killer sawdust movie ?cleanraul

Anonymous said...

To Roger Smith,
How many lawn mowers did you go thru cutting the grass in the center ring for Mr. Beatty?
Bob Kitto

Anonymous said...

Always prefered watching a show with a ring full of sawdust, it certainly enhances, in my opinion, the lighting and gives that unique smell. That smell will now bring back fond memories of my circus days whenever I go near any sawdust. I also hated performing in the ring when there was no sawdust or shavings, just didn't seem the same. Pine sawdust was always the best. Perhaps your are right Wade, must be my European roots.

Chic Silber said...

I remember Red Hartman doing

a good bit of mowing in knee

high grass that put some strain

on both the mower & on Red

Chic Silber said...

I also remember Tommy Clark

pouring coloring over the

burlap bags of pine shavings

they used for the big dates

on the Beatty show

Frank Ferrante said...

MOWING??? Who needs a mower when you have three of Smokey Jones' boys and a young punk clown named Franko on the Wallace & Rogers Circus back in '76 with sickles and rakes
! ~frank