Saturday, August 08, 2009

Kelly Miller straw house #2

DSC02481, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Bud said...

" Nice Croud "

What is Most Vivid to Me
to see here is

How Clothing has Evolved

Anonymous said...

This is one of the encouraging pictures I've seen in a very long time.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Not only was this a huge day in the midst of a huge week, it was in the hometown of long time Culpepper Clown, Tent Boss, Concessions Manager, James "BJ" Hebert. I guess they were repaying the circus industry for hauling him out of their town,,LOL.

Mireille, said...

it is really wonderful to see all the people, that is great good for Kelly Miller Circus.
sincerely Mireille..

Paul H. said...

Great to see straw houses in what many people expected would be a subpar season! Looking forward to catching KM in the Chicago area in September.

Anonymous said...

great to see animal circus with great crowds could someone email
these photos to

Robert Perry