Buckles, |
Monday, August 10, 2009
From Richard Flint
Posted by Buckles at 8/10/2009 11:12:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
Buckles, |
Posted by Buckles at 8/10/2009 11:12:00 AM
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An attractive young blonde in
a short skirt and heels will
certainly get the attention of
the more senior "children of
all ages" but why not
Add "cute and charming" and you don't even have to be that good. The Dallas Cowgirls don't bring the crowds, the talent on the field does. They are a pleasant diversion, waiting for the action to start.
Wade Burck
I'm with Chic...I kinda like the "Beauty and the Beast" concept over the "North Dakota's Own" angle...Wade, why don't you try workin in a "Speedo"...and then perhaps you can get the "Ladies" to take hold of Chic and The Curator's observations....Jim Z (Richard Barstow)
Hey Wade speak for yourself! I personally IF I am going to spend a small fortune going to a Cowboy game this year or in the future at Jerry's World, them Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders better be LOOKIN GOOD!
Wade it must be you & Gary that
go to Hooter's for the wings
I've heard they have good chicken
Jim please tell me the reference
to Dickie Barstow as I must have
missed something in the past
5 tigers 3 tigers whos counting
Chic, Mr. Barstow is/was a Choreagrapher...Now that I told Wade to get a "Speedo"...So am I...I also would of told Wade to loose the Boots and go with "Chuck Taylors"..But I am trying to keep those as my "Trademark'.....Best JZ
Good looking photo, good looking gal. I am having another one of my uneducated thoughts but it would be kinda nice to see this act before one could make any negative statements ,so at this point it is riding just fine on its appearance.
I first met Richard in 1960
when I worked on several
stage shows he directed and
choreographed and maintained
a friendship with him until
his death in May of 1981
He was unceremoniously let
go from the Ringling show
(as so many others have)
and two of his assistants
continued in his style for
several years
I was just wondering what
your connection to him was
I think the speedo reference
would more likely make you
a would be costume designer
Chic, last week he was Claude Rains.
My apologies Chic...I never knew Mr. Barstow as I have never worked for the GSOE...I suspect They just never had a need for a Tall skinny Guy in Glasses...But..If the need should arise...I am at Liberty....Best JZ
She looks hot... that is always a good way to start.
Loved Barstow, even if he always called me one of the 2 sisters from California!
Jim, I hear they are looking for a Vice President, Production & Talent.
No apology necessary Jim just
thought if yhou knew him well
we might share some stories
He was a tough and tyranical
director but he could whip a
show into shape very fast
He was most brutal with the
showgirls but his production
numbers had a style rarely
seen in this country
His partner of many years
Timothy Gray kept a very low
profile but was great support
for him and stayed til the end
Here, here, JC Hall.
It would be a great service to the world of the circus if you took your fine photographic skills to Europe to photograph this act and give us your opinion.
I am sure Tepa wouldn't mind. I am sending a European electrical adapter for your battery charger.
Smile and say "circo".
Darkness warshed over the Curator - darker'n a two nosed steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night. There was no bottom.
barstow was a master in every field of entertainment. not many people realize he staged judy garland's legendary concert act and also brenda lee's act when she was the teen queen of rock and roll. (ironically headlining several feld-produced rock tours before they entered the circus business)
Brenda told me several times after she "grew up" that she kept trying to get him to stage a new act for her but he was "always off doing something for the elephants"
Richard & his sister had been
a vaudeville dance team
What do you suppose would happen if you were able to show a different picture of a very beautiful young lady and tigers, every day?
Would we be overwhelmed with comments?
Bob Kitto
These weren't comments, they were moans and slobbers.
Wade Burck
I truly feel one thing for sure Chic, us men bloggers can put those old gossiping girls at the local hair dresser to shame.
Gentlemen, I confess this was a bit of a setup! You'll note I didn't post a photo of the elephant act, the other "new" act that will join the Gold in Italy (actually, it was on the blog some months back). I suspected this image of a tiger act might get a few cat calls. Just goes to prove that there are suckers born every minute.
Do I now have to be anonymous in Baltimore?
Dick Flint
Thanks J C for reminding me
that when I was MUCH younger
I would think what a shame it
was that all those old guys
had nothing better to do than
talk about the "good ol days"
and now I are one
Well it's still better than
drooling on the porch
Dick please feel free to set us
up anytime you get something
where the presenter outshines
the presented
Hair color is less important
than skirt length
HA she isnt as ATTRAVTIVE As Vicenta Pages Shes Something to look at..
Hey there Anony
As I heard somewhere
Beauty is in the eyes of the
"Lecherous Old Geezers"
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