Sunday, August 09, 2009

From Gary Hill

!cid_X_MA1_1249850024@aol, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Ranchipur" at the San Diego Zoo.

Howdy Capt, my wife is in San Diego and sent me this photo from her phone. What is this big boys history, if you know it? Thanks, looking forward to the CW Reunion in Feb! Gary

"This elephant was one of the five males in Eloise Berchtold's act at the time of her demise in 1978. You may recall we were in the Garden with the Ringling Show when word came of this tragic event."

1968-69 Morgan Berry Animal Farm
1970-78 Eloise Berchtold Independent Act
1980- San Diego Zoo


Chic Silber said...

Is it just the camera angle

or is that a strange lump

on his head

GaryHill said...

Chic, this is a BIG boy! The photo doesn't do him justice, because it is on a cell phone. I went to the zoo website, they have a really nice exhibit for their elephants.

J.C. Hall said...

Like the "lump" on one's shoulders
I believe it would be his head.
PS Gary Hill, would you happen to have a photo of the other end ?
Possibly some more familiar real-estate.
At any angel he looks to a
"big boy".

jerry digney said...

what's teh details on the Circus World reunion?

Jerry D.

GaryHill said...

Mr Hall, my wife informed me that she took many more on her camera, so when she actually makes it home I will download whatever she has with elephants on it.The zoo website has some good video and photos also.
Chic, the Reunion is set for Feb 19 at the Radisson Hotel on I believe 192? The facebook website is, Hope to see as many old employees there that can make it?

GaryHill said...

Capt, I do remember that "day" at the Garden when I think you told us? Is he the guilty party by chance?

Buckles said...

The perpetrator was gunned down at the site.