Wednesday, July 01, 2009

RBBB 1957 Special Performance (From Pat Wentzel)

RBBBHersheyTicketGOP57, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


I read your blog everyday and have enjoyed the photos and information immensely. I have many vintage circus photos and have been meaning to share some of them with your blog. I wasn’t sure how to contact you with the images. Since Eric Beheim has posted many of his images I contacted him.

The attached images are from a 1957 GOP event where The Republican Committee of Pennsylvania hosted a fund raiser featuring RBBB. Above is what I believe to be a ticket to the event. The description of the acts have a devilish political slant to them. I’m also including a scan showing the acts. If you would like I can scan the complete program and submit it.

Patrick Wentzel
Parkersburg, WV