Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Still more Kelly Miller #10

DSC01750, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Chic Silber said...

Once again it appears to be

straight ring curb sections

Oh well at least they have

a clean neat ring curb

So maybe next year it might

not be Ringless Brothers

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

What do you mean by straight sections Mr. Silber?

Chic Silber said...

First let me say hello Casey

We've never met but I've heard

and read some very nice things

about you and your tigers

(they are my very favorites)

Historically (and at my age

I seem to be more nostalgic)

ring curb sections had always

been built as segments of a

circle based on the overall

diameter of the ring

Of course their construction

and dimensions varied widely

I have designed and built quite

a few including some to hold

mesh arenas and many lighted

Smaller shows (and more recently

even some larger ones) have

turned to using "straight"

sections placed in a circle

to allow for simpler and less

expensive construction as well

as much more compact storage

I certainly may be wrong but

the photos today appeared to

show these sections to be of

the straight format

Please correct me if I am wrong

Having spent 48 years in the

business (a short time to some

of my esteemed friends) I am

a crusty traditionalist

I would like the opportunity

to meet you and I probably have

some elements in my warehouse

that might be useful to you

(as a donation)

Please don't take offense

It's just Chic


Anonymous said...

It is a molded curved ring curb! Has been for years.

J.C. Hall said...

To;Chic Silber,
Apparently you could have been on the Castle show during the 70's.
Ginko-Baloba for ones thoughts
and $2, 225 powered googs at Wally World can do wonders for us at our age.
Subject "The ring curb"
pi are not square "Pie are indeed round" in this case.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

That is what I thought you meant. No, these are molded and curved. They actually fit together quite nice in the beginning of the show. Usually,,,oh say,,,about rite after the horse act they have a "straighter" look about them HAHA. No offense taken I assure you. Just wanted to be sure what you meant.

Chic Silber said...

My apology and thanks

In the photos they appeared

to be straight sections

The lines at ground level

looked horizontal to me

The "Ringless" comment was

not about your show

Chic Silber said...

And thanks J C it seems you are

the Jimmy I vaguely remember