Friday, June 19, 2009

Ringling Coney Island Opening Night #1 (From KLSDAD)

RinglingConeyIsland (76)001, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I wish them well!!



Frank Ferrante said...

What was the house like? Doesn't look like there was much foot traffic around the lot. ~frank

klsdad said...

Full house.
(I was very early.)
Animal display outside looked very nice but public not allowed in due to Mayor/Feld photo op. Even had a Monster Truck display!

Awkward tent. Obstructed views with the large support columns. Long space between entrance curtain and ring. BUT audience seating faced this empty space. With most acts facing the front those folks seemed to be left out. They WERE able to watch the performers pass as they
covered the long distance to the ring.

It was exciting to be about 20 feet from the ring curb. Too close for me, though.