Friday, June 26, 2009

Polack Bros. Circus 1972 #6

Polack-4A, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Unknown “funny Ford” act.


J.C. Hall said...

George Rosell's Car

Chic Silber said...

How many of these cars were there

I believe Fay Alexander's "Al's

Lemonzeen" was originally Cook's

Roger Smith said...

Chic: I don't know the count, either. Fay's was great, aided by his ability to take highly athletic pratfalls. Rex Young had one with us on Castle that sold well, but Rex told me he was beginning to feel the effects of the falls he took.

As for small cars, Lou Jacobs had the classic, the full act being featured by DeMille. But Chester "Bobo" Barnett also had one that couldn't have been much bigger than Lou's. Perhaps Pat Cashin can give us more about these cars.

J.C. Hall said...

Lou Jacobs, Chester Bobo Barnet's,
and Kinko's Car. The three were all out of the same mold.I think I have seen one more of these.

Chic Silber said...

The real workings of Fay's car

were handled extremely well by

his wife Rosie who did the work

in a cramped compartment with

very limited visibility

That was probably similar to

the other cars as well

Chic Silber said...

Lou's car was not "molded" but

hand custom built

The other cars might have been

patterned after his

J.C. Hall said...

To; Chic Silber
Would you know who built the three little cars. Lou's Bobo's and Kinko's?
A long long time ago I was going to build one of this type and I was quite surprised in the similarity of these cars back when.
My memory is not sharp on this subject, please enlighten.

Chic Silber said...

I only know that Lou built his

little car as well as many of

his other early props

Some years back I saw many of

them at Dolly & Pedro's which

happens to be only a few blocks

from me

Dolly would be the one to ask

about these details and you

could reach her through Circus

Sarasota @

J.C. Hall said...

To;Chic Silber
Watching the Movie GSOE, as it is on tv tonight while I'm typing this. I am conceding. Lou's car is gas powered and built out of sheet metal, circa(1952).
The ones I am referring to are made out of a mold. In the late 70's in Venice during rehearsals, there was a small car being used at the time that I was told was Lou's old car. That is the one that I am referring to. My information must be off. The one from Bobo and Kinko also the one I saw at Venice back then were cut out of the same cloth. They were all three battery powered; Unless Lou had a second car??

Chic Silber said...

Sorry I can't be more help

I was in Venice for rehearsals

throughout the 70s but I don't

remember these cars mentioned

As I said it would be Dolly

that would know if her dad

had another car built or not

In my original entry asking

about the number of cars I

was refering to the jalopies

It was Roger Smith that first

mentioned the tiny cars

Mike Naughton said...

To JC -

I watched the movie the GSOE with our 15 year old daughter, Elizabeth.
She had seen the movie countless times before, this time I added a little running commentary:

+the long shots of "Sebastian" who was Fay Alexander

+that Fay was Johnny Herriott's barber for many years

+that Antoinette was the same lady in the photo that daughter, Margaret, gave me for Father's Day.

+that Irish juggler, Veronica Martell, was retired and lived nearby and visited our Yankee Doodle Circus several times. She did the the ball juggling to the floor in the movie.

++ Also, told her to remember what blood type Brad needed ---- for circus trivia when among circus folks.

I watched the previous two hours that featured a special on Cecil B. DeMille; most interesting.
When the movie played Radio City Music Hall it ran for 11 weeks, 5 times a day with a seating capacity in excess of 5,000 per showing.

Have some more peanuts, Harry.

Frank Ferrante said...

Michael -

I watched it again myself this weekend and I believe that it will be shown again this Sunday on TCM. I went to IMDB.COM, which is a great online movie site, and clicked on Full Cast. There you'll see most of the names of the show people who appeared in the film. ~frank

Unknown said...

Can anyone tell me what part Arthur Burson played in GSOE? Need info for family history book; he is a distant relative.

Frank Ferrante said...

Dianne -

According to, Arthur Burson is listed as playing himself. In most cases this listing would indicate that he was either a Ringling performer or crew member.

Good luck on your search! ~frank

Unknown said...

Frank, thank you for your reply. We know that Arthur was a wire walker and later, after a fall, became a clown. Would like to be able to identify him in the movie.