Friday, June 26, 2009

Polack Bros. Circus 1972 #10

Polack-8, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Unknown clowns performing the old stomach pump gag.


Buckles said...

Chester and Joe.

Anonymous said...

Is this the infamous "Dog Pie" act of the Sherman Brothers?


J.C. Hall said...

"Unknown Clowns"?

Not by a long shot

Pat Cashin said...

I love Joe's wig, wardrobe and white shoes in this picture. What a really great look. Something about white clown shoes always says "classic" to me.

Little John said...

We did the stomach pump gag many times in “The Great Western Stampede” at that Ringling Park in Central Florida. In the pump was a piglet and within a few weeks the piglet would get too big for the pump. Well the cowboys made arrangements with the local farmers and butchers and a Pig Roast in the pigs honor happened every other month. And you’re right Pat, where is a clown supposed to go to find an affordable pair of good chaps?

Frank Ferrante said...

A uniqueness that is all his own, there is no confusing him with anyone else out there. ~frank