Wednesday, June 10, 2009

From Ralph Pierce #1

DSCN2374, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

More Circus Activities in Baraboo

June 11th thru 14th builders of circus models will be traveling to Baraboo,Wisconsin.

Here they will be setting up their tents, wagons, and circus trains for the public to view and enjoy. The group will be displaying their creations at the Baraboo Arts Building on Water Street across from Circus World. This is actually a historic Ringling Bros. Winterquarters building which was previously devoted to the repair and manufacture of circus wagons for the Ringling Show up until 1918. This is the first circus related activity held in this building for over ninety years. Model builders from as far as Virginia and Idaho will be attending. This is a FREE show for all those wishing to view miniature circus models by some of America’s finest craftsman. Exhibit is open from 10 to 5 Thursday, Friday and Saturday and until 3PM on Sunday, June 11th thru June 14th. Plus do not forget to visit the 125th Anniversary Ringling Exhibit in Downtown Baraboo, Free and open Monday thru Saturday from 1PM to 4PM on the Courthouse Square. Enjoy the Circus and Baraboo this summer.