Saturday, June 20, 2009

From Maarten de Jong #5

scannen0008, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

And then for something completely different: here's the poster of RB and B&B used in 1964, the last time they visited Europe. Being in my mid-twenties and just married for five years I remember I was so impressed that I stitched the poster to the wall of the one room we're living, sleeping and eating in (there had been a housing-shortage like hell after the war) and took a picture of it. Somehow feeling this was a historic circusfact. But looking at this picture now I just see the wallpaper and a lot of memories are coming back. This was the small room (in the same little house my parents-in-law lived) where we lay the bricks for a marriage that lasted almost fifty years. That's what this picture means to me. But also it's connected to K&N's European adventure 2009/2010. But they should have come to Holland again...


Adaline said...

Buckles, thank you for sharing so much with us. I'm sure it is not always easy. Your blog encourages me to confront my trunks of memories.