Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cole Bros. in the mud! #1 (From Paul Gutheil)

IMG_7540, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles: Sure hope your nuclear adventure went well. Attached should be a couple of photos
of each of the above shows giving an indication of the "fun" they had in NJ during the
past week. The novice might observe that bulls (Cole shots) don't like to walk through
mud any more than we do.

All best to the Woodcock Troupe,



Chic Silber said...

No thanks

I'll put up with the heat

& humidity here on my porch

in Sarasota but thanks for

sharing these muck & mire

Frank Ferrante said...

Humidity in Sarasota - STOP THE PRESSES! Mucky lots were never a lot of fun. ~frank

Chic Silber said...

The Beatty Show u&sed to play

a lot just North of Philly on

Street Road (between the time

they played Lighthouse Field

and then Liberty Bell Park)

It was a farm field that got

bush hogged just before our

arrival on what was always

a torrential rain day so that

every truck & trailer went

down to the axles to be pulled

into place by the elephants

Within a couple of days all

that muck dried up into the

worst dust bowl for the rest

of the week until the last day

You guessed it

Jim Zajicek said...

I always enjoyed "Mud Lots"...

Separates the Men from the Boys...

REAL Circus!...

Eh, Colonel??...

Besides, what other type of lot allows one to wear a Garbage-Bag for a Raincoat?...

Frank Ferrante said...

In "stylish" black, too with a red bow tie! ~frank