Thursday, June 25, 2009

Blue Unit 2009 #13 (From Jimmy Hall)

DSC01021, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Here are a few more shots on the RBBB Blue
I sure like how they filled the arena with so few web gals and pulled
it off so well. The look and the sound was great. Good staging.Wish
they would get the likes of lady" Kimberley "Cannon Ball Smith" Soren"
to be the center anchor act in this aerial number. She is a hot piece
of business.

Also a not so good photo of the rear end of Miss Vidbell's porcupine.
Again, not a shot of a beaver. I always new she would get places with
her critter.

There were quite a few acts in the come in.
Replacing elephant girls with clowns, replacing clown's come in with
acts. Quite colorful any way you look at.



"I hadn't planned on running these pictures until the weekend but became increasingly nervous over the "performing beaver" situation.
I'm sure Picture #22 will bring the matter to a pleasant conclusion."


Jim Zajicek said...

Jimmy...Which Kinker has the "Jumbo" satellite dish on their trailer in picture #13???...I do not believe I ever saw one that big...Reminds me of the Ribs Fred Flintstone ordered at the Drive-in...

Wade G. Burck said...

J.C. Hall,
"Hot piece of business!!!" Sound's to me like the the Seagoville Stallion needs a jaw chain together with a couple of quick snatches.
Wade Burck

tanglefoot said...

One of the best photo essays we have seen on the Blog. Congrats Jimmy John Tanglefoot Herriott.

Jack Ryan said...

I heartily agree with Col. Herriott. Thanks, Jimmy, for an outstanding photo essay.

Jim Zajicek said...

Col., With all due respect,and the "Highest Regards"...Myself and Mr. Burck, Only deal in the Facts..nothin but the Facts, skewed, but never the less, Facts...

Wade G. Burck said...

You have got to buck up, man. You cannot drag this negative energy in to the tournament!