Saturday, June 20, 2009

Blog Overhaul!

I mentioned to Shannon that several people had pointed out that RECENT COMMENTS had vanished. When I went to bed he was still toiling away.
I awoke this morning to discover that not only had this been corrected, but the map had been replaced (which I don't care for) and a ding added in in the right column which can certainly do no harm.


TheShaz said...

I will be making some changes and updates to the site over the next week or so.

I fixed the “Recent Comments” on side bar. It’s a useful tool but the problem was it was dependant on 3rd party tools hosted on 3rd party servers. Those tools kept leaving so I fixed it my hosting that JAVA SCRIPT on my own web server. (Don’t ask me to translate that)
The next thing, the folks are retired. I do have AD BANNERS set up, and surprisingly it does make a few bucks. For those who do not know...they make allot more money if you click on them (HINT HINT).
If you are into reading books you might have heard of – the site has evolved into not just books, but books, music, videos and consumer electronics. I found out that you can do ad banners with Amazon, and select which merchandise you want. If you go by my dad’s office you will hear circus music. He has a huge stack of those albums by Richard Whitmarsh and his band. I figured out with Amazon I can put a widget, and it is on the left side, you can play snippets of the music and even download whole songs for $0.99 and put them on your iPod or play them on your computer.
I will soon add “Buckles Picks” a collection of books, music and movies.

Chic Silber said...

Very nice job Shannon

I think it would be great

if you could put back the

"more" link to previous

comments at the end of

recent comments

I found that helpful in

catching up on things

Your dad is really lucky

(and so are we all) that

you are such a wiz at this

However I do hold you to

blame (along with your pop)

for my current addiction

TheShaz said...


I liked that feature too. That little trick was hosted by some third party. They took a hike and that "trick" is no longer working.

In fact that was the problem with the "Recent Comments" the part that makes it work has to be hosted on a web server. People have to PAY to host things on a web server.

They would offer a "Recent Comments" trick people can add to their site...that multiples by 100's of not 1000's wherever they are hosting get allot of usage and the price of hosting goes up and they eventually pull the plug.

I was in that Merry-Go-Round on the Recent Comments. But this time the actual JAVA SCRIPT I have on my GODADDY.COM space. So we should be good.

If I find a better script that I can host on my space to be sure it doesnt stop working in the middle of the night, I'll try it out.

Some people might not know this....I dont do much on the day to day running of the site. Sure every once in a while someone sends Dad a picture that needs my assistance to tweak using Photoshop. Or a video clip, those are harder to inbed into posts.

But for the most part it is dad running the site. Hard to figure, before this Blog Site, the microwave oven and the tv remote was about as "technical" as he got.

Frank Ferrante said...

Shannon -

You and your Dad are doing a GREAT service to us all and we ALL appreciate your efforts! (I just figured that you were having so much trouble from Recent Comments because of the huge overload of fans on this site!) GREAT JOB! ~frank

GaryHill said...

Shannon I just got some of my old Super 8 MM films put on a DVD. I want to send the Capt a copy so y'all can post it on his site. I have alot of footage of cat acts, and some elephant footage. I have footage of the elephant walk from CW to the train cars when we left to go to Venice, some is dark but it was shot at dusk as the elephants were loading. I just need your snailmail address Capt and I will sent it to you. I couldn't find the barbershop routine and the dinner/ waiter, but I have them somewhere I am sure? You can post it here or e-mail me at Thanks!

J Goodall said...

Shannon - job well done. You keep making improvements which are appreciated by the readers of the blog.

Anonymous said...

well, i see the butchers have invaded the seats during the show. I appreciate all that mr. buckles does but i sure wish these ads were kept to the sides. always enjoyed quality shows without all the shouting and trays that blocked my view. same here. i guess i need to understand the money thing just like the felds try to to take it all in but even they let you watch the show.

Frank Ferrante said...

When Mr. Anonymous starts mailing YOU his signed checks, THEN he can knock the ads. As far as butchers in the seats, I always felt they were a part of the show, not an obstruction to it! I can remember butchers who were as entertaining as anything that was going on in the rings, sometimes more so.

Still singing my name as ... ~frank

Chic Silber said...

Keep singing Frank

signed monogamous

(3rd time around)

Frank Ferrante said...

(Don't you just hate it when spell check doesn't correct what you 'meant' to write?

Still SIGNING off as ~frank