Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ariania #1 (From Jimmy Hall)

DSC01857, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Went to the Dallas Zoo today to visit a friend and saw this
show set up. I snapped a few shots. Will try to catch the show before I
head out of town. I think this is the same show that leased the tent
from Barreda for a run in Niagara Falls, Ont. a year plus ago. The
equipment all looks rented. I noticed big air conditioning units. It's
getting a tad warm here this time of year. I was told it would be in
town approximately a month working 4 day weekends.

James C. Hall


Chic Silber said...

They have a pretty impressive

web site which might not be an

accurate representation

It appears to be a Russian version

of "Cavalia" or something like it

Chic Silber said...

Here is the Cavalia site link

if anybody cares to compare

Jacqueline Zerbini's middle

daughter Sylvia is currently

the featured aerialist

J Goodall said...

The web sire says - Artania, a mysterious kingdom frequently mentioned in the chronicles and legends of Ancient Russia.
... where ancient mysteries of the past engage with the innovations of the future. Above all, it is a celebration of life and of man’s love for horses, demonstrating the harmony between mankind and nature. While the horses move in a perfectly timed dressage, the infinitely creative mix of artistry, acrobatics and dance will astonish and spark the imagination. The artists not only defy the laws of gravity, they transcend the laws of nature as they unveil the secret wisdom of the future and of times past.

J Goodall said...

The web site for Cavalia is -

Unknown said...

Hi Chic,

hope all is well,
Im the featured liberty trainer,no aerial for me on Cavalia.But I realy do miss my trapeze.Kisses,

Chic Silber said...

Sorry sweetheart

I didn't mean to misinform

When your mom told me you

were going up to Montreal

to work on Cavalia I just

wrongly assumed that you

were doing both

Hope all is well

4pawfan said...

The tent and seats shown in the Dallas photos are now being listed on e-bay.
Lot# 170354460252

did not list ac or power units