On the platform-John and daughter, Diana. Styling is Thina. The Hansens came to the USA for Mills Brothers Circus. Son, Shane and his wife Alecia Hansen (of the Flying Redpaths) carry on the Rolling Diamonds recently seen with the Hamid Circus. Their daughters, Madison and Olivia add their charm to Shane's juggling act. The Hansens are Danish.
Lilli and Sven Kristiansen had a riding act, but I don't know if they came over for Mills. I do know that their sensational cradle act was a Ringling standout.
Also, John and Thiana's grandson, JR, is in the Navy (a special tip of the hat to him). Diana Hansen is married to Duke "Rosaire" and they have a son, Michael (a most noble name of which I am very fond).
On the platform-John and daughter, Diana. Styling is Thina.
The Hansens came to the USA for Mills Brothers Circus.
Son, Shane and his wife Alecia Hansen (of the Flying Redpaths) carry on the Rolling Diamonds recently seen with the Hamid Circus. Their daughters, Madison and Olivia add their charm to Shane's juggling act.
The Hansens are Danish.
Hi there Mr Mike
Didn't the Hansens also have
a riding act for a while or am
I thinking of another family
(maybe the Swensons)
Lilli and Sven Kristiansen had a riding act, but I don't know if they came over for Mills. I do know that their sensational cradle act was a Ringling standout.
Also, John and Thiana's grandson, JR, is in the Navy (a special tip of the hat to him). Diana Hansen is married to Duke "Rosaire" and they have a son, Michael (a most noble name of which I am very fond).
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