Thursday, May 07, 2009

From Ralph Peirce

!cid_image001_jpg@01C9CE54, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

From Ralph Pierce - Baraboo

Buckles please let everyone know that the Circus Fans & Enthusiasts from Baraboo and around the Midwest are Celebrating Baraboo’s Circus History on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 21st, 22nd, & 23rd. Big activities on the Saturday but also Circus Fans meeting on Thursday evening and Friends of the Circus World Museum (Circus World Museum, Inc’s) annual meeting on Friday evening. G-M-R CFA Tent Spring Banquet is the evening of May 23rd. Hope to see everyone for a great Circus Weekend.


Buckles said...

We were at Baraboo 25 years ago and I made it a point to mail a number of letters on the 19th so they would have a 100th Anniversary post mark.
As I recall Irvin Feld died that same year.