Mr. Buck being borne into the big top and around the hippodrome track for his introduction.
The show closed the season Nov. 27 in Sarasota and everything moved into the RBBB quarters marking the close of Al G. Barnes and Sells-Floto Circus forever. This placed a total of 49 elephants in the barn however three went to Frank Buck in lieu of back wages for his forthcoming 1939 Worlds Fair Exhibit (Yasso, Frieda and Sparks Topsy). An elephant named "Blanche" was sold to Hunt Bros. Circus and "Floto Jennie" went to the Cleveland Zoo. The remaining 44 were taken on tour with the Ringling Show in 1939 and were needed since North had disposed of the baggage horses and the Teamsters who had caused all the trouble in the first place. This was made possible by former Barnes elephant boss Walter McLain who took over and assigned many of the additional elephants to do the work previously done by baggage stock thereby loading and unloading the train as well as hauling equipment back and forth to the circus grounds. |
Can you share who the 1939 herd was ? :)
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