Monday, March 09, 2009

SPANGLES #1 (From Eric Beheim)

Spangles-1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

According to Joe Bradbury, in early 1943 Madison Square Garden approached Ringling about producing a one-ring European-style circus that would open in the Garden in mid-June and run through the summer. (The management was worried that if the Garden was allowed to remain dark through the summer, the military would take it over for the duration of the war.)


jerry digney said...

of course, i never saw this show but it looked like a class act, way ahead of its time; I had the same feeling when we took out the one ring Monte Carlo show in the late 70s for which i handled the PR. Another great show with a-class acts but also ahead of its time by a decade. at the time, the public just didn't get it and the title actually worked against us as the U.S. public didn't know much about the Monte Carlo Festival so unfortunately it didn't drive sales and we also played a lot of smaller markets which in retrospect didn't make a lot of sense.