Thursday, February 26, 2009


SALLY RAND, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Well I had another card picked out for you, but after reviewing your other cards, I just couldn't resist.

Bill & Trudy


Mike Naughton said...

Sally Rand at the Chicago's Worlds Fair.


Sally Rand as the mystery guest on that great tv game show WHATS MY LINE?

Anonymous said...

I saw Sally Rand as the feature on Raynell's Revue on Cetlin & WIlson Railroad Carnival. She was in her late fifties at the time, the body of a twenty-five year old, long blondehair- and when the blue lights were thrown on her - it was pure magic. She packed them in at each and every show for $l.00 a pop. I had some correspondence with her and she asked about Mickey King. It seems that Mickey King did web for Sally in one of her West Coast Clubs. She also knew Mayme Ward - seems she liked circus people. Thanks. Markeno

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Buckles!

~The Cashin Family

Anonymous said...

She also knew Mayme Ward - seems she liked circus people. Thanks. Markeno


And if I remember right circus people liked strippers!

BTW Who used to strip to to the song "Hold That Tiger!"