Sunday, December 28, 2008

To Henry Penndorf

SAVE1491, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles ;

I have a series of photos of Ursulas Act from the Catwalk that might interest Henry Penndorf & a few tales to share as I did become very fascinated with Her & those Polar Bears .
You can forward him this if you like
( the COMPUTER WIZARD you Are ! )

I think I goofed up MY settings trying to scan in photos & I 'm 2 months without use of my Printer / Scanner on this contraption - Picassa also Revised / Updated there Program & Everything is Different - WOHHHHhhhhh is Me

My Regards to Barbara - Buddy


Anonymous said...

Hi Buddy,

Thank you. I would very much like to see your photos and hear your personal memories of Ursula Bottcher. Your offer to share them is appreciated. I am sure that all of Buckle's readers would also enjoy seeing the pictures.

I can understand your fascination with Polar Bears and Ms. Bottcher is a remarkable woman.

The picture/painting that accompanied your comments reminds me of a Ringling Brothers clown, Doug Aston. Is that you? Were you a clown?
