Friday, December 05, 2008

George Washington "Pop Corn" Hall

Scan11047, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Owner of the Col. Geo. W. Hall Wild Animal Shows out of Evansville, Wisconsin.
Remembered as the man who introduced brick pop corn in a circus tent hence the nick name.

"I might add that Mr. Hall was no relation to William P. Hall of Lancaster, Missouri."


Anonymous said...

Besdies his own children in the business, Popcorn Hall also had a connection into the Gollmar family. Walter Gollmar, Jr., who also was a circus bandsman for a brief period, was his grandson.

Barry said...

Dean Jensen's wonderful book on the history of Wisconsin circuses, titled "The Biggest, the Smallest, the Longest, the Shortest" devotes an entire chapter to Popcorn Hall. One of my favorite stories involves his unique method for keepint his lemonade vendors from sampling the goods. After a fresh batch was made each morning, he would go around and spit a fresh stream of tobacco juice into the extra ingredient that patrons never knew about but the vendors certainly did!

I believe the book is now out of print which is unfortunate because it is one of the most entertaining books on the American circus ever written. If you ever run across a copy I highly recommend you read it.

Anonymous said...

What is the medal Popcorn is wearing?