Friday, October 10, 2008

Track Lights

Scan10815, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The recent remarks about Mr. Silber's lighting brought this picture to mind.


Anonymous said...

I am all too aware that I am getting on in years BUT I'd still

rather be called Chic

The track lights that I saw in

the photo Mike referred to were

some that I assembled earlier than

the self crated enclosed units

that used the roundels I mentioned

some time back (including the pink)

The units in the photo had open

tubular quartz lamps in primitive

reflectors and cut mylar color in

frames (gels) that needed constant


The newer fixtures had a better

pattern and throw of light and

were far more efficient regarding

watts to lumens ratio

Just back from Hamburg working on

another Disney "Tarzan" stage show


Anonymous said...

Remembering how cute this circus

lovely was I only wonder if her

"style" was from Bill Bradley

and Jerry Fries or more likely

from Barbara

What a wonderful time that was
