Wednesday, October 29, 2008

From Buckles

Scan10871, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is what the finished product looked like.


Down the Road by Jim said...

Can you just imagine what it would have sounded like if they all were playing bagpipes ??????

Anonymous said...

1944-2008 64 years later and it looks like a group shot of the red blue and gold shows together. Maybe

Anonymous said...

It is worse than we thought
Ringling web site describes zing zang zoom as a ringmaster, named zingmaster ALex and his rival Mr. Gravity as the good guy and the bad guy in this illusion filled production.
The zingmaster will make a 4 ton elephant disappear.
That's no big deal, Kenny and Nikki made 10 elephants disappear from each show already.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmm.......imagine a magic themed ringling show....think I tipped this off already!