Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #20

CBCB-13, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Bobby Cline on the left.

Anonymous said...

That's Bobby not to be confused

with Robert Klein

I have a fun story about a press

interview (a reporter showed up

before the Colonel) that was to

be with Robert and by mistake got

some funny and interesting stuff

from Bobby before it all got

straightened out


Anonymous said...

Yes two Cline's, Little Bobby Cline Beatty show, then Robert Dale Kline, the old Kelly Miller show AKA "Dirty Neck Cline".The last time I saw the both of them, Robert Dale was on the Beatty show with Freddie Logan and Little Bobby was night watchman for the Ringling show herd when Mr.Woodcock was there.

Anonymous said...

I also recall Robert being called

"stiff neck" due to a long ago

neck injury that made it hard for

him to turn his head


Anonymous said...

One time Bobby got in trouble and was canned from the elephant Dept. and got a job sellig popcorn in the stands. Needless to say, he didn't last very long as a consession guy.
Bob Kitto