Monday, September 01, 2008

From Robert Perry #2

perc bullen a perry_0002, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

L to R Frank Holden My Dad Alby Perry in white t shirt my Brother Alby Perry & sitting on chair Perc Bullen. both Perc Bullen & my Dad passed away in the month of august.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Perry who was Perc bullen ? how was he related to Jewel and the rest of the family ?cleanraul

klsdad said...

But first...
Above all....

Condolences on the loss of your loved ones.............

A circus fan...


Anonymous said...

Perc Bullen was the father of Stafford Ken Greg Jules
a great showmen and started Bullens Circus at one time they had 13 elephants and could they move the circus
Robert Perry

Anonymous said...

my apology both my Dad & Perc Bullen passed away in August but not this year many years apart in fact some of our most famous circus names names have passed away
in the month of August over many years Robert Perry Australia

Anonymous said...

Robert - which is why we were so pleased to see September this week!

Anonymous said...

Steve Robinson
steve how lucky Marty Ashton Grant
not another of our dreadful australian circus August tragedies

you are correct we can all smile again it is september
Robert Perry