Monday, September 01, 2008

From Mike Naughton #1

entrance_bw_204, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Entrance to Ringling Circus World in Davenport, Florida.


Anonymous said...

The Mailing Address was :
Hyw 27 , Barnum City , Fl

Nice B & W Photo Mike

Anonymous said...

To the right was a Calliope that Played constantly & added quite an atmousphier to that BIG LOOK of this entrance .

Buckles : how bout a photo of the longmount you & axel did here with your 2 herds ( 40 elephants ? )winter of 1977/1978

Buckles said...

I had forgotten all about that.
They had us lined up in the parking lot and when Axel arrived the two herds did long mounts heading into each other.
At the conclusion of which we began our march down Hwy.27 to Davenport and loaded into the cars that Axel had just unloaded from.
I was so damn glad to get out of that place I never looked back lest I be turned into a pillar of salt.

Anonymous said...

We who pastted thru there remember it well, also I was one of the coordinators of that historic changeover.

GaryHill said...

Management ie Bill Ketchem insisted that I have a ride elephant at the entrance when the park opened every morning. I delegated that to my crew. The ride ran ALL day, except for when Capt needed the ride elephants for the payoff in the theatre.

Chris Grieder said...

So what happened to the park when it closed and what is it today?

GaryHill said...

I don't know what year it closed but I do know it was rebuilt into Baseball World and was Spring training camp for the KC Royals. If you google earth and look up I4 and Hwy 27 you will see the old baseball diamonds where the park used to be! Sad to look at now days.

Anonymous said...

Now is a shopping center.