Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Frank Murray Day #6 (From Lane Talburt)

IMG_3441, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Frank Murray, on the Cole Bros. lot in Fishkill, NY on May 30 Frank credits Rex Williams for being his mentor, saying he had a great "touch" with elephants.
After completing spring dates with Cole Bros., the Murrays will be departing for a fair engagement in Wisconsin in mid-June.


Anonymous said...

When I visited the Cole Bros. lot in Fishkill, two young female animal inspectors, representing either the county or humane society, showed up at the same time. They told me they were responding to a telephoned complaint--obviously by a PETA stooge--that the Murrays were giving elephant rides and that one of their elephants had a foot injury. Obviously, the elephants weren't being used for rides, since the current fanciful interpretation of NY regulations forbids "human contact" with elephants (but camel rides and pony rides are OK). In order to ensure that both elephants were in fact alright, Grant (Frank's son) had to wake one of the elephants from it's morning nap and make it get up and walk around. The inspection took less than two minutes, and the two women left. In fact, they departed so fast that i didn't even see them go. Frank later told me that he has become accustomed to the nuisance calls by PETA at many lots, which, of course, always turn out to be phony. He explained to me that one of the elephants--and I don't remember which one--has a leg that is slightly shorter than the others, which doesn't affect her performing abilities.

I suggest the same inspectors who are led on the wild-goose chases ought to use their powers to file false-report charges against the idiots who are carrying out their misguided harassment.

Lane Talburt

Anonymous said...


Both #6 and #7 do not show up on the blog on my machine and FLICKR says they were deleted...what are those two pictures?

Diane Gutheil

Anonymous said...

I believe that the correct English version would be "effin idiots!".

Anonymous said...

Mr Woodcock was using the Australian version. We use this terminology when referring to the people in this country of similar ilk to PETA who would have us ban fly spray!

Anonymous said...

Lane - we have the same problem in Australia. The animal welfare groups record all these false complaints against us and then, at the end of the year, breathlessly report in the media that they have had x number of complaints against circuses - while failing to report that most of the complaints were untrue.