Friday, April 18, 2008

Ringling-Barnum 1930's- 40's #7

prb9, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Nice Bannerline....Does anyone have the plans as to how they folded out/how many sections to a wagon ect.??......Jim Zajicek (Model Builder)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that in some past issue of the LCW, the plans were published. Sorry I can't tell you when, maybe Steve Flint can help on this.
Bob Kitto

Anonymous said...

Also, Steve has just about completed a monumental job of the sideshow front and entertainers for almost all of the RBB&B years.
Bob Kitto

Bob Cline said...

I would agree that Steve Flint probably has detailed drawings in his files so I'll give you the real basic design.

While it is open as you see, you have four panels. The two in the center are attached to the wagon side with the one on each end extending past the wagon.

Each end piece swings to the front on a hinge allowing both end pices to fold closed against the wagon.

The end pieces are now on the outside. The top half of these two outside panels is held in place by a clamping mechanaism of sorts. That is released which then allows the entire upper half to fold down on the top of the wagon on a hinge across the center of the panel which is actually the top of the wagon.

I don't know how heavy the upper section was to raise and lower. Was it done mechanically or by manpower, I'm not sure.

Hope that made sense.

Anonymous said...

Thanks All...I play Harvard IL. 1st week of June ....Maybe I'll shootup to Janesville....if Steves Home then.......Jim Zajicek