Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Paul Gutheil photos #3

Scan000011101, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Pretty girls in the acts! You must have worked with many of them. Would you be so kind as to name off the ones in the pictures? Is Delilah in any of them? Thanks, Annie

GaryHill said...

I'd bet that is Delilah and the elephant is Toto?

Buckles said...

#3- My daughter Dalilah and "Toto".
#5- Vanessa Thomas and "Peggy".
#6- Regina D. (Russian lady)
#7- Karen Lowande
#8- Regina and "Anna May"
#9- Karen and Dalilah.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you, you forgot to mention the prettiest of them all.
Hope she cooks your supper tonight
even after this unintended (I hope)slight.
Bob Kitto