Mr. Miller instructing Nellie and Sarah Orton (my mother) in the Equestrian Arts. |
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Hold Your Horses! #6
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4/17/2008 06:24:00 AM
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
Mr. Miller instructing Nellie and Sarah Orton (my mother) in the Equestrian Arts. |
Posted by
4/17/2008 06:24:00 AM
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I am fortunate to have a rare and old book titled "Breaking and Riding" with "military comments" by James Fillis.
The preface by horseman and translater M.H.Hayes reads as thus;Mr. Fillis at whose request I have had the pleasure of translating hisw " principles de dressage et d'Equitation" is acknowledged theoughout Europe as the greatest high school rider of all time. In fact he has had the honor of giving private riding exhibitions before the Emperor and Empress of Germany, The Tsar, President Carnot, the Queen of Belgiam, the King and Crown Prince of Denmark and the Emporer of Austria, all of whom have accorded him special marks of their appreciation of his unrivalled ability. He is "Ecuyer en chef" at the St. Petersburg Calvary Riding School.
And so on. It is an excellent book on all phases of high school riding a nd training. It is not dated, but I would suggest it goes back to the turn of the previous century. I have had it for many years and have read and refreered to it many times during my training and riding days and it covers all aspects on the subject in a no nonsense fashion
But the very last chapter and quote by Mr. Fillis are remarkable and I quote Mr. Fillis. This isw aq very lengthy book.
"I ought to mention that in Belgium no one ever thought of blaming me for riding in a circus, which is considered in that country to be the only place for equestrian work, and that it is as natural for a horseman to ride in a circus, as for a lyric artist to show himself at the opera, or for an Academician to dress himself in green, in order to croak out an address under the cupula of the Institute" end quote. I heard later that Fillis dide have a circus background. Very interesting.
Great Book. Mine is dated 1902.
A few years ago I noticed they started reprinting it. I found it in a store in Ocala, Florida and I bought it in paperback form.
Buckles, Pictures are great. Thank you for posting them.
Jody Campbell
When and why did that thought of circus riding change?
Wade Burck
To Wade; Along with the Fillis book I have the wonderful book, Horses, saddles and bridles that you gave me a few years back, and I treasure it as much as the Fillis book and enjoy re-examining it at my leisure. For the uninformed it was published in 1902 and deals exclusively with cavalry horses and soldiers, what specifi8c types are needed in horses, various medical problems, etc. and most especially bits, saddles, technical standards of horsemanship and training and photos of some of each countries cavalry soldiers mounted in full tack and uniform. Its just great and I thank you for it. With my deep American ancestory it is especially gratifing.
I am quite proud of the fact that my great uncle, some ten or so generations removed was a US Army full Colonel that lead a military expedition in the great West and actually mapped and documented "Pikes Peak" of which is named after him, "Colonel Zebulon Herriott Pike" along with other expeditions that he made. He is documented in "Whos Who" in America and a common Herriott ancestoral name is Zebulon and my grandfathers nme was, Pike Herriott. His mother was one Mary Herriott. A number of years ago the Herriott Family celebrated 300 years in America with a letter from then Pres. Ronald Reagon congradulating the family ancestory. Incidentally from Scotland. I should not be blowing my own horn but hope you can understand my pride and especially also being a "horseman".
Your pride is justified surely, and understandable. I feel the same pride in my American heritage. The title "horseman" you have earned and deserved. Me, I am going to put in a few more years.
Best wishes,
Wade Burck
Col. ...I was facinated by your Lineage....So I Googled mine....This is all I could find...
From a exhibition at Prague's Police Museum
"Among our curious exhibits is a collection of samples of women's pubic hair, assembled by the famous lawyer and businessman Karel Zajicek. To support his hobby he embezzled large sums of money and finally escaped from the country. He was wanted by Interpol, eventually arrested and imprisoned." ....I don't think a President will thank us for that!...Oh Well!........Jim Zajicek (Right up Our Alley)
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