Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hold Your Horses! #4

MAIL0182, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Ringling-Barnum 1925- Liberty horses in 3 rings and 2 stages:
Harry Herzog, Jorgen M. Christiansen, Mabel Stark, Vladamir Schraube and Rudolph Mayer.


Anonymous said...

In this display Cristiansen had 24 in the middle, there were 12 in each end ring and six on each stage. Mabel Stark worked six and that year she did not present any wilod animal acts.Imagine when they came thru the back door into the rings.

Roger Smith said...

John Ringling cut cage acts for three years, starting in 1925. But he still had Mabel under contract, and from '25 through '27 she worked horses. As the Colonel notes, she did the liberty acts, and also dressage, the waltz and rear, and the horse ascension. Mr. John was good to Mabel, but tigers were out at the time, and Mabel groused the rest of her life about "those three goddamn wasted years."

Roger Smith