Thursday, April 03, 2008

Assorted elephant pictures #5

highpockets, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Highpockets" Baudendistal. I have seen three
different spellings for his name: "Bow", "Bau", "Ban".
I'm sure you can clear this up and if this is from
Sells Floto.

"A remarkable picture, as far as I can make out the writing states:
Clyde "Highpockets" Baudendistel, elephant educator and originator of the above trick showing how easily an elephant can take a person's head in it's mouth and lift him up.

The trick was first done in this country with the Ringling Show in 1928 when they imported an adult elephant "Yasso" and her attendant "Gunga".
It immediately captured everyone's fancy.
The elephant in this picture is "Trilby" and the only time I ever saw it done from a tub. Possibly it was the only way High could fit under the elephant.".


Anonymous said...

Is the head held in the fleshy parts of the mouth, or by the teeth?

Anonymous said...

don't they use Dent-u-Grip?

Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought of his height as a factor for the use of the tub, but it makes perfect sense.
Didn't realize that this was Trilby! This adds to my Trilby collection. I have alawys had an interest in this old lady because she seemed to work with some of the most notable elephant folk of her time and eventually was retired to the Audubon Zoo with Ruth from the Ringling herd. Buckles, I'll send you a picture of Ruth and Trilby at Audubon, 1967.

ikya said...

Clyde Baudendistel was my Great Grandmothers 3rd husband. I have a personal pocket phone book that belonged to him and he spelled his name as I have typed it. Does anyone here have any information regarding him? I have some pictures of him and from one of the circus's he worked for along with some old news paper clippings about elephants that had died. He had a clipping about the Bull elephant that got loose and was shot by the mayor. Anyway, I'm doing genealogy research and would love to hear anything anyone knows about him.

ikya said...

I have a photo really similar to this one showing Clyde hanging from the elephants mouth. The elephant is balanced on a bucket at the same time. There are 2 other elephants in the photo and the background is different.